01 April 2007

HTC s620 update

Late last year I spoiled myself and purchased an HTC s620 Excalibur smartphone to replace my mobile and Palm Zire 72. I was tired of having to carry around two devices. You can read my impressions and review of the s620 in a previous post.

It's been a few months now and I'm still very happy with my purchase. I did purchase Facade, a third-party program that allows the calendar and tasks to be displayed on the home page. I'm happy with this feature as well, though slightly miffed that this feature isn't standard on the Windows Mobile O/S.

It had always been my intention to take a few pictures with the Excalibur's MP camera, but it wasn't until now that I remembered. There's no flash, so in low light conditions it's difficult to take a good picture. Anywhoo, here's a picture I took with the Excalibur:

It's a 1.2MP camera, so I think it's fine for unplanned instances where I just need a quick snap shot.


Stargazer (original profile) said...

Not bad. Are there any settings that you change at all, like exposure compensation?

r32argent said...

I'm not sure. There's something called "whiteness balance" I have on auto right now. I see a minus and plus bar thingy on the bottom of the frame that's set at +2.0 right now. Is that compensation?