01 October 2008

My Credit Score

Although it's possible to get a free credit report every four months the same is not true of credit scores. This deficit has always annoyed me. It's a reflection of my credit history so why can't I see what it is without having to pay?

Anywhoo, today I discovered a credit score calculator on msn. I know that online you can find calculators for anything from unit conversions to home loans, but it never occurred to me that there would be one for credit scores.

Why not for credit scores? Because if you can calculate it for free why would anyone bother paying for it? Of course, the calculator linked above only gives you a potential range for your credit score as opposed to the actual value obtained under mercantile duress. So who knows, the calculator might be horribly inaccurate.

It makes me want to actually pay for my credit score just to see how accurate the calculator is, but that would defeat my purpose of getting something for free.