18 October 2007

Movie Moments

I was flipping channels and by chance saw Spider-man 2 being broadcast. In the midst of my internal debate as to whether or not to watch the remainder of the movie, I sadly noted to myself -- not for the first time -- that each of the Spider-man sequels did not live up to the high bar set by the original.

I enjoyed all three Spider-man movies and would recommend all of them, but as implied above I give the sequels progressively lower ratings. In my original post regarding Spider-man 3 I gave it 3.5 out of 5 stars. With this as a marker, I'd give Spider-man 2 four stars, and the original Spider-man 5 out of 5 stars.

Anywhoo, as I sat waxing nostalgic about the excellence that was Spider-man, I recalled my favourite scene of the entire movie. The cemetery scene, where Peter Parker kisses, rejects and then walks away from Mary Jane is simply awesome. Throughout and afterwards all I could think was, 'wow'. The acting, music, setting, voice-over, everything in that scene just melded together in to one seamless, wondrous character-defining moment. They got it. Director Sam Raimi, the writers, everyone... all of them helped capture the essence of one of the all-time greatest comic book heroes, Peter Parker.

This is one of my Movie Moments. :o)

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