26 September 2009

A Matter of Trust

On my commute to work I walk by a medium-sized grocery store.
Fairly convenient if I don't buy anything heavy; at least, it would be
convenient if I ever shopped there. I've never even entered.

What stops me? A prominent sign outlining store policy that all
customer bags be left with the cashier upon entering. Reasonable,
right? A measured deterrent against shoplifters and

My initial response upon seeing the sign for the first time? If they
don't trust me why should I trust them? Not that the cashier is going
to have a burning desire to rifle through customers' bags; the issue
is whether I trust them not to give my bag to a thief by mistake.

I don't, as it happens, which is why I never shop there.

1 comment:

Stargazer (original profile) said...

I agree with you. I wonder if they will guarantee that your bag will be safe when you leave it with them--probably not.

I just can be bothered with policies like that. The big corps let you take your bag, but they'll put a sticker or tape across the opening.