20 April 2008


In the past 3-4 weeks I've been greeted about four times with the Blue Screen of Death on my Vista Home Premium computer -- IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL. I haven't been able to replicate the circumstances upon which this BSD appears. After some research, the potential causes of this particular BSD may be bad memory, over-heating of my CPU, or faulty hardware. I've ruled out software issues as I don't recall installing or modifying anything in the short time before the BSD first appeared. Though, perhaps I shouldn't take that for granted - Windows did open an user account without my knowledge, after all.

Anywhoo, my computer is still within its 1-yr warranty, so I'll be taking it down to have the Geek Squad look at it. Hopefully it won't take too long to diagnose and repair.

UPDATE: For what it's worth, I ran the Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool and it didn't seem to find anything. Oh well.

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