05 February 2008

Gmail and aliases

Today I learned that a single gmail account has unlimited aliases - a very useful feature. E-mail aliases are a great way to keep track of which and where websites distribute your e-mail address.

How does this work? If my e-mail address is "email@gmail.com", then any e-mail addressed to "email+xxxxx@gmail.com" will be sent to the former address. As an example, if a website, say "checkers.com" requires an e-mail address, I could give them "email+checkers@gmail.com".

Any email checkers.com sends me will be sent using "email+checkers@gmail.com" but I'll still receive their e-mail by logging into my "email@gmail.com" account. With the appropriate use of filters this will make organizing e-mail much easier. Furthermore, if checkers.com were to give my e-mail address to another website, I should be able to know that it was checkers.com (and not some other website I signed-up for) that shared my e-mail address by virtue of the "sent to" field, as long as I give an unique alias to each site - easily done since as mentioned above gmail allows unlimited aliases.

Pretty neat, eh? Well, at least I think so. :o)

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